Response to jt 2 blog on Gun crime
I liked your blog on gun crime, i do agree that young people should be educated more about the seriousness of gun crime and knife crime. for some reason now this seems to be happening frequently with the recent shootings in London. this needs to stop the U.K doesn't need to be like the U.S. nice topic.
May 10, 2007
Blog responses
According to miss woodstock on the blog of domestic violence,
I do agree, it is absolutely degrading for a women to experience domestic violence, i feel that men who assault women are weak and insecure.
but may i say it is not just mostly women who suffer domestic violence i knew a guy who was married too this women. in the day she was miss sweet and innocent by night she transformed into ike turner a very aggressive control freak, and she nearly killed him by beating him in his head with a high heel shoe. any way i like your comments on the topic of the veil i do too believe it is purely discrimination.
According to miss woodstock on the blog of domestic violence,
I do agree, it is absolutely degrading for a women to experience domestic violence, i feel that men who assault women are weak and insecure.
but may i say it is not just mostly women who suffer domestic violence i knew a guy who was married too this women. in the day she was miss sweet and innocent by night she transformed into ike turner a very aggressive control freak, and she nearly killed him by beating him in his head with a high heel shoe. any way i like your comments on the topic of the veil i do too believe it is purely discrimination.
May 8, 2007
Nasty Comedians

Nasty Comedians are performer's who entertain the audience by making them laugh speaking on topics and issue's that some people in the audience might feel a sensitive issue to make fun about. Some comedians like Brian Figarol and Jack Tzianabos speak about their own day to day lives, while others like Frank Skinner sings humorous songs.
Some comedians draw on their own background to make fun at themselves. while others have a strong political and cultural undertone.
I personally feel that comedians look at every bad situation in society and use these issues to make people laugh. I don't think there is anything wrong by this, some jokes you actually learn from the message the performer is trying to put out to the audience. But some nasty comedians do really go over board and pick serious topics to joke about that some people would really find a offensive. Such jokes on racism jokes, ethnic jokes, and character impersonations jokes.
It is up to the person to listen to the jokes and share the humour with the audience.
I have posted a couple of web links hope you don't find them offensive.
May 7, 2007
I'm 27 years of age. and proud!
What is your degree subject ( both if joint? )
Social care / Criminal Justice BA (Hons)
Does Being Bad relate well to the other modules you are taking?
no but Ive enjoyed every minute of the module.
If so How? And If not, why not?
well this module is very different to my other modules it's not your average module.
Have you found Being Bad too demanding too easy or at an appropriate level?
appropriate level
Do you think the list of the topics covered on the module was appropriate?
The topics have been just about right
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
No not at the moment but if i come across any i will definitely get back to you.
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
The classes where excellent
What did you think of the module team?
Do you think it would have been better to have had more small group discussions?
i thought it was excellent so far. more small group discussions yes sure but the arrangement of the room has to changed in order for people to hear each other's opinion's
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
i thought it was great, more debate's more debate's
Information and talk from the lectures?
No i thought each lecture had done a good job thank you for the experience.
The approach takes in the module is interdisciplinary ( drawing on perspectives from English literature film studies. creative, writing, philosophy, religious studies, media studies and politics) Do you think this is a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
YES it was great
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
yes a good idea
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken on the module?
Yes it gave me the chance to discuss certain topics on being bad.
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
yes i would
Are you planning to take the follow up module PH2004 " It shouldn't be allowed " at level 2?
Why not
Would you recommend @Being Bad to a friend?
I have recommended being bad
Do you think that the blogs ( web logs) were a good idea?
yes the blogs were defiantly a good idea
What did you think of the other assessments ( e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?
no i thought they were fine
What have you learned from the module?
generally an overall understanding on the topics discussed
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The lecture's and the discussions because i had the learned some sort of social understanding.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I don't think any of it was a waste of time
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding Being Bad?
Just that i really did enjoyed the whole experience and i hope that their is more lecture's like this one
Peace and Knowledge!!!
I'm 27 years of age. and proud!
What is your degree subject ( both if joint? )
Social care / Criminal Justice BA (Hons)
Does Being Bad relate well to the other modules you are taking?
no but Ive enjoyed every minute of the module.
If so How? And If not, why not?
well this module is very different to my other modules it's not your average module.
Have you found Being Bad too demanding too easy or at an appropriate level?
appropriate level
Do you think the list of the topics covered on the module was appropriate?
The topics have been just about right
Are there any topics not included in the module that you would like to see included?
No not at the moment but if i come across any i will definitely get back to you.
Do you think that the format for classes has worked well?
The classes where excellent
What did you think of the module team?
Do you think it would have been better to have had more small group discussions?
i thought it was excellent so far. more small group discussions yes sure but the arrangement of the room has to changed in order for people to hear each other's opinion's
Discussion and debate among the class as a whole?
i thought it was great, more debate's more debate's
Information and talk from the lectures?
No i thought each lecture had done a good job thank you for the experience.
The approach takes in the module is interdisciplinary ( drawing on perspectives from English literature film studies. creative, writing, philosophy, religious studies, media studies and politics) Do you think this is a useful way of approaching the topics covered in the module?
YES it was great
Do you think that interdisciplinary modules are a good idea?
yes a good idea
Do you think you have benefited from the interdisciplinary approach taken on the module?
Yes it gave me the chance to discuss certain topics on being bad.
Would you like to see more modules that cover this kind of subject matter?
yes i would
Are you planning to take the follow up module PH2004 " It shouldn't be allowed " at level 2?
Why not
Would you recommend @Being Bad to a friend?
I have recommended being bad
Do you think that the blogs ( web logs) were a good idea?
yes the blogs were defiantly a good idea
What did you think of the other assessments ( e.g. would it be better to have one longer assessment rather than two shorter ones?
no i thought they were fine
What have you learned from the module?
generally an overall understanding on the topics discussed
What parts of the module have you found most useful and why?
The lecture's and the discussions because i had the learned some sort of social understanding.
What parts do you think were a waste of time and why?
I don't think any of it was a waste of time
Are there any other comments you wish to make regarding Being Bad?
Just that i really did enjoyed the whole experience and i hope that their is more lecture's like this one
Peace and Knowledge!!!
May 6, 2007
Bad Cinema ( Film Kids )

I had watched the Film kids,
which was a low budget film about a young group of kids getting up to mischief. having unprotected sex, drinking alcohol, smoking cigarette's/ taking drugs, thieving , swearing, and just generally being bad i can not think of any positive output's regarding the film.
i found the film to be very offensive and degrading. The most shocking of all was of the girl being raped she seemed to be drunk or on drugs. i was sitting thinking to my self what on earth inspired the director to produce this piece of movie. I had seen very little of any adults in the film. i found this movie to be dramatic as well. i certainly did not remember experiencing any of that kind of bad behaviour in my child hood days what happened too the days of knock door run and kiss chase? lol
To watch the making of the interview kids please click the link below
Kids ( Movie ) - making of the interview http://http//
May 5, 2007
Bandits and Outlaws

In the lecture we discussed various issue's on Bandit's and Outlaws, an outlaw, is a person who is living the lifestyle of outlawry, The western outlaw is typically a criminal who operates from a base in the wilderness and makes numerous raids on civilized settlements. for example robin hood was considered to be an outlaw who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. an example of a good gangsta and a bad gangsta. Jesse James was also mentioned in lecture who was an outlaw who stole from numerous banks and even killed people.
Check out the history of jesse james http://
May 3, 2007

(A bit of Poetry in Motion (For all you boys and girls)
(Written just before the year 2000)
Listen to the lyrics
We are the one's prophesies to return, my main concern is for all of you to learn and to live
Yes through the lyrics i give and send my friend this age is coming to an end.
Not the world but the age is ending, ending... Listen to the astrological message I'm sending I'm sending.... Truth is truth whether not you like me, we are living now in the age of Pisces, when Pisces is over at the year 2000 when the sun of god changes his house and
Enters the stage of Aquarius the sun of god as man is hilarious. when you think of Jesus think of he sun the flaming sun is where your soul is constant from, stop believing and read your bible logically, the new testament is really all astrology.
Jesus is the son of god no lie, but they might be talking about the sun up in the sky, the sun that Hangs up across of the zodiac.
The zodiac with twelve signs to be exact. each sign is a house and you should keep in mind, each house equals a period of time,
the time.... 2000 years and that's a fact it's called an age of the house of the zodiac. The twelve disciples the twelve months reason the four gospels signifies the four season's. When Jesus feed the multitude with two fishes it signifies the age of Pisces not fish of dishes,
if you read the bible astrologically it's clearer the next age will be the age of the water bearer it's called the age of Aquarius where logic and truth will take care of us.
So end this age with spiritual dignity you will see a rise of femininity and creativity mash with masculinity you got to get with me
This is your true her story, Do you wanna go HIGHER!!!!
(Her) means the mother earth of all living beings
I am an individual who was baptized as a christian, at a young age growing up i wanted to know the truth about civilization. I wanted to know which one is the real bible? since we have been told many lies. I have researched Christianity the Quaran and Judaism, Buddhism,Sikhism i have found that they all relate to some aspect but some things have been changed by individuals. i have an aunt who is a devoted proper Muslim who i love dearly, and a christian grandfather who was strict back in the days but his kinda calm down now. lol
For me and a lot of other people believe religion is very important. But people have interpret there own religion in many different ways. For example i have my own view's and idea's of what i think religion is all about but some people may have many ways in interpreting there own religion. remember from many many century's million's of people have died from religious wars and it is still going on today comprenday!!!
remember we are all god's children
I'm not going to go on anymore even though i could on this topic i don't want people to think I'm bible bashing or being to religious (get it)
May 1, 2007
Tattoos Body Modification

In this lecture we discussed many topics on body piercing and tattoos.
The history of body piercing and tattoos have been around since the Neolithic times, Mummy bearing tattoos dating back from the end of the second millennium BC have also been discovered. I found it interesting to know that tattoos have served as rites of passage, marks of status and rank, symbols of religious and spiritual devotion, decorations for bravery, sexual lures and marks of fertility,protection. Personally i think tattoos are okay, i have my ear pierced and one tattoo at the moment which is a flaming sun on my arm. I choose a tattoo of the sun because the sun brings life to plants and all living beings on earth and also the sun makes people cheerful. i think one or two tattoos in the right places can look nice, but some people just go over the top and seem too have the idea of wanting to tattoo there whole face. i was shocked by the picture's shown in the lecture on body piercing. i had watched faces from the audience cringed in disgust and a few individuals licking there lips!!! well hey every man and woman to there own devices. i was also afraid of going to sleep that night on Thursday frightened of waking up with subliminal flash backs of the picture's shown in class of a pierce you know what staring at me, lol only exaggerating.
Now days young youths see tattoo's as a sign of being masculine, as (being bad) and i think it's been glorified too much in society, through music video's.
The question is what makes people want to inflict that type of pain on them selves?
who knows?
April 29, 2007
Breakfast at Tiffany's
Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not supplying it?
The person giving money- why would they be expecting sex?
just to make it clear hear that prostitution is a person offering sexual intercourse for pay
for instance any one selling their services for the cause thought to be unworthy can be described as prostituting themselves.
in regards to the question no it is not prostitution by taking money from someone.
for example if a guy was to buy a lady a drink their should be no reason for that guy to expect sex . But hey all minds do not think a like for instance i know a couple of guy's that if they had brought a lady a glass of coke even, in a club they would follow that lady around the club expecting sex. Crazy!
is prostitution more or socially respectable?
i personally think that prostitution is wrong and people should respect their bodies. but if people want to sell their bodies for money or for what ever reason then that's up to them who am i to judge. Prostitution has been going on since the days of the wild wild west. prostitution is also legal in other countries. and illegal in other countries. it might be socially respectable to some people and it might not be to other's.
Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not supplying it?
The person giving money- why would they be expecting sex?
just to make it clear hear that prostitution is a person offering sexual intercourse for pay
for instance any one selling their services for the cause thought to be unworthy can be described as prostituting themselves.
in regards to the question no it is not prostitution by taking money from someone.
for example if a guy was to buy a lady a drink their should be no reason for that guy to expect sex . But hey all minds do not think a like for instance i know a couple of guy's that if they had brought a lady a glass of coke even, in a club they would follow that lady around the club expecting sex. Crazy!
is prostitution more or socially respectable?
i personally think that prostitution is wrong and people should respect their bodies. but if people want to sell their bodies for money or for what ever reason then that's up to them who am i to judge. Prostitution has been going on since the days of the wild wild west. prostitution is also legal in other countries. and illegal in other countries. it might be socially respectable to some people and it might not be to other's.
April 26, 2007
Infidelity-Failure loyalty, such as marriage.
The quality of being unfaithful
Infidelity is an action: an individual who is in a relationship who then seek's for sexual relationship's behind their partner's back. e.g. Bill Clinton, John major, Hugh grant, because of lust or revenge or for what ever reason.
I think that cheating is wrong.
Infidelity happens in many cultures in society but i personally think cheating happens more in western society for what ever reason's i haven't come to the conclusion yet......
Do people hold the same value's?
Infidelity happens because an individual has no respect for them selves or their partner.
If you're in a relationship with your partner and there are problem's in that relationship and children are involved then i believe that you and your partner should sit down and discuss these problem's before one cheats. think about your children on what your action might do to them, but in another way if you and your partner have major problem's try and work them out if not then there is no reason why two people should stay together if they are making each other unhappy.
Some couples class infidelity as a norm in society today but to other's this action is not acceptable as one is suppose to be faithful in a relationship and be committed.
Relationship's are first built on love and trust. what ever happened to people having a conscience and respecting them selves today?
The quality of being unfaithful

Infidelity is an action: an individual who is in a relationship who then seek's for sexual relationship's behind their partner's back. e.g. Bill Clinton, John major, Hugh grant, because of lust or revenge or for what ever reason.
I think that cheating is wrong.
Infidelity happens in many cultures in society but i personally think cheating happens more in western society for what ever reason's i haven't come to the conclusion yet......
Do people hold the same value's?
Infidelity happens because an individual has no respect for them selves or their partner.
If you're in a relationship with your partner and there are problem's in that relationship and children are involved then i believe that you and your partner should sit down and discuss these problem's before one cheats. think about your children on what your action might do to them, but in another way if you and your partner have major problem's try and work them out if not then there is no reason why two people should stay together if they are making each other unhappy.
Some couples class infidelity as a norm in society today but to other's this action is not acceptable as one is suppose to be faithful in a relationship and be committed.
Relationship's are first built on love and trust. what ever happened to people having a conscience and respecting them selves today?
Lol that lecture was funny to me, i can remember people in the lecture actually taking notes on masturbation like they were gonna learn something from it i don't know, techniques etc but mark explained to us that there was nothing pornographic about the lecture Mark was really very enthusiastic about teaching the history of masturbation...............
The lecture had me laughing nearly all the way through. The lecture hand out was a shock to me, people masturbating in all different places well hey it may be interesting to you but surely not me, it also makes me think twice about greeting people with hand shakes and besides girl's and boy's if you masturbate friggin, tossin, flickin, what ever that's up to you keep it to your self's or tell who ever your friend's mother, brother father, aunt, uncle, what ever i personally do not want to know about what you do with your self in your own time. that's all folks.
The lecture had me laughing nearly all the way through. The lecture hand out was a shock to me, people masturbating in all different places well hey it may be interesting to you but surely not me, it also makes me think twice about greeting people with hand shakes and besides girl's and boy's if you masturbate friggin, tossin, flickin, what ever that's up to you keep it to your self's or tell who ever your friend's mother, brother father, aunt, uncle, what ever i personally do not want to know about what you do with your self in your own time. that's all folks.
April 25, 2007

Shoplifter's represent every age group and income level. There are two types of shoplifter's professionals and amateur's.
Professionals steal for a living while amateurs for many reason's shoplift for a buzz, thrill seeking, drug habit, peer pressure etc. in other country's if you steel the hand that you took the item with would get cut off. Maybe UK laws needs to be a bit harsher in order for people to listen only joking. shoplifting might not effect any individual but effect's companies sale targets. one or two people might regard shoplifting more outrageous than other crimes such as burglary, street robbery etc other individuals might see shoplifting to be less outrageous. shoplifting Don't do it , you may think that nobody is watching you but hey don't be fooled.
April 24, 2007

well, i must admit i do smoke but not that much probably a 10 pack every 2 weeks. i do considermy self as a part-time smoker. Non of this 30-60 packet's a week constantly faggin it. I believe i will eventually give up smoking in my own time (will power). besides knowing that smoking causes many numerous health issue's such as clogged arteries, mouth and throat cancer's as you can see in picture 1, mm mm lovely. a couple of things to mention, that bother me about smoking is the fact that the government know cigarettes are bad and can kill you, so why do they still sell cigarettes knowing the problem's tobacco causes.
Another is look at how cigarettes are advertised world wide through TV commercials, films, billboards even cartoons. I don't like too see young children smoking i just thing to my self why? I try and look at the whole picture a see where the problem extends from. in my case wondering How this packet of cigarettes ended up in my pocket?
besides I'm sure that there are over 600 additives (chemicals) that are allowed to be deliberately added to cigarettes on sale in the UK. my motto is Don't moan at the individual moan at the provider.
Well the government are actually banning smoking in public places. This ban is due this summer and in away i think it is a good thing to do for all you non-smoker's who are against breathing in other's people's smoke. but in another way due to the fact that nicotine is addictive it will only attract smoker's to smoke more this will increase sales for tobacco industries that's my opinion.
Being Bad
I had chosen the being bad module not really understanding what it was about.
I assumed that the module had something to do with crime, youth offenders, kids being bad.
Reading the module guide i came across different topics such as smoking, lying, tattoo's, being too religious, gambling and infidelity and many more just to name a few i came across other shocking topic's as well. According to my knowledge this module had nothing to do with crime.
The module talks about individuals actions and the reason's for those actions, and on what society see as bad. I remember my grandfather asking me "son what topics would you be discussing in this being bad module. " I had told him a few of the topics, my grandfather coming from a christian background replied " Lord have mercy son leave that module alone. I laughed, then explained the topics were to provide arguments and understandings into what society see as bad.
Bad is a concept used to describe undesirable circumstances or events.
I assumed that the module had something to do with crime, youth offenders, kids being bad.
Reading the module guide i came across different topics such as smoking, lying, tattoo's, being too religious, gambling and infidelity and many more just to name a few i came across other shocking topic's as well. According to my knowledge this module had nothing to do with crime.
The module talks about individuals actions and the reason's for those actions, and on what society see as bad. I remember my grandfather asking me "son what topics would you be discussing in this being bad module. " I had told him a few of the topics, my grandfather coming from a christian background replied " Lord have mercy son leave that module alone. I laughed, then explained the topics were to provide arguments and understandings into what society see as bad.
Bad is a concept used to describe undesirable circumstances or events.
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