Breakfast at Tiffany's
Is it prostitution to take money from someone who is expecting sex, but then not supplying it?
The person giving money- why would they be expecting sex?
just to make it clear hear that prostitution is a person offering sexual intercourse for pay
for instance any one selling their services for the cause thought to be unworthy can be described as prostituting themselves.
in regards to the question no it is not prostitution by taking money from someone.
for example if a guy was to buy a lady a drink their should be no reason for that guy to expect sex . But hey all minds do not think a like for instance i know a couple of guy's that if they had brought a lady a glass of coke even, in a club they would follow that lady around the club expecting sex. Crazy!
is prostitution more or socially respectable?
i personally think that prostitution is wrong and people should respect their bodies. but if people want to sell their bodies for money or for what ever reason then that's up to them who am i to judge. Prostitution has been going on since the days of the wild wild west. prostitution is also legal in other countries. and illegal in other countries. it might be socially respectable to some people and it might not be to other's.
April 29, 2007
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